克里斯蒂娜 · 普雷斯科特-沃克担任亚洲艺术周新主席


克里斯蒂娜 · 普雷斯科特-沃克被任命为亚洲艺术周新一任主席,主要负责几十个国际亚洲艺术画廊、 五个主要的拍卖行以及众多博物馆和亚洲文化机构的合作。

"我很荣幸能担任亚洲艺术周主席,纽约亚洲艺术周为为期十天的系列销售展览、 拍卖销售为一体,每年 3 月举行,已成为为亚洲艺术收藏家、 经销商和来自世界各地的博物馆馆长提供珍贵艺术品的主要方式。"普雷斯科特-沃克女士说道。


克里斯蒂娜 · 普雷斯科特-沃克

关于克里斯蒂娜 · 普雷斯科特-沃克

2015年7月,克里斯蒂娜 · 普雷斯科特-沃克任亚洲艺术拍卖行主任,主要负责中国的艺术作品。

普雷斯科特沃克女士1989年毕业于伦敦大学。她的职业生涯始于苏富比拍卖行苏塞克斯陶瓷和东方艺术品部的编目员,1991 年成为一名拍卖师。她以苏富比伦敦欧洲陶瓷专家的身份一直工作到 1998 年,之后搬到纽约负责欧洲陶瓷和中国瓷器的出口。



纽约亚洲艺术周包括画廊展销、 亚洲艺术拍卖,以及众多博物馆展览、 讲座等等一些列活动。艺术周的艺术珍品均来自中国、印度、东南亚、日本、韩国等地。

Christina Prescott-Walker Named New Chairman of

Asia Week New York

NEW YORK: Christina Prescott-Walker has been named the new Chairman of Asia Week New York, the collaboration of over 4-dozen international Asian art galleries, five major auction houses, and numerous museums and Asian cultural institutions.

“I am honored to assume the chairmanship of the Asia Week New York Association, the ten-day series of selling exhibitions and auction sales, held annually in March, which have become an essential destination for Asian art collectors, dealers and museum curators from around the world,” says Ms. Prescott-Walker, Senior Vice President; Division Director, Asian Art; Chinese Works of Art, Sotheby's New York.

About Christina Prescott-Walker

Christina Prescott-Walker was appointed Division Director, Asian Art at Sotheby's in New York in July 2015, retaining her previous position as Department Director, Chinese Works of Art, which she had held since 2008. As the Asia Division Director she manages the Chinese Works of Art, Chinese Classical Paintings and Indian and Southeast Asian Art departments in New York.

Ms. Prescott-Walker started her career as a cataloguer in Sotheby’s Sussex Ceramics and Oriental Works of Art department in 1989 and became an auctioneer in 1991. She continued her career as a European Ceramics specialist in Sotheby's London until 1998, when she moved to New York to lead the European Ceramics and Chinese

Export porcelain department. Ms. Prescott-Walker graduated with a B.A. Honors Degree in Art History from the Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London in 1989.

Says Ms. Prescott-Walker: “As Asia Week New York heads into its 9th year, I am privileged to continue the sterling work of our past chairmen, and look forward to working with our members to further promote the sale and exhibition of fine quality Asian Art in all its manifestations.”

About Asia Week New York

The highly anticipated ten day-long celebration is filled with a non-stop schedule of simultaneous gallery open houses, Asian art auctions as well as numerous museum exhibitions, lectures, and special events. Participants from England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, and the United States unveil an extraordinary array of treasures from China, India, the Himalayas, Southeast Asia, Tibet, Nepal, Japan, and Korea.
